Friday, June 22, 2012

Feature Friday....FishGill Designs!!!

For today's Feature Friday post we thought we would share this incredible jewelry company started by two fellow submarine wives.  FishGill Designs specializes in making custom bracelets from uniform bootstraps.  Completely brilliant if you ask me!

Kristen and Victoria started making these bracelets as an FRG fundraiser for the USS NEBRASKA (Gold).  According to Kristen, "As submarine wives, we are all so proud of our guys and want to show that off and these bracelets were something a little different than what else Victoria and I had seen in Dolphin Stores and on the web."

They created these bracelets using the submarine dophins and other personal touches including the boot band with the idea of keeping a piece of our sailors with us even when they are out to sea.  They also make bracelets for "those above periscope depth."


FishGill Designs currently has a Facebook Page which you can find here FishGill Designs or you can email them at  They are currently selling in the Dolphin Store at the Bangor Sub Base.  They hope to be in all the Dolphin Stores and a few submarine museum gift shops by Autumn!  They are also working with FRGs to sell the bracelets as fundraisers. 

Please like their page on Facebook and support these fellow Submarine Wives!

Have a great Friday and a Fabulous weekend!

Kristen and Alyse

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